Organizational Learning capabilities and Strategic Renewal: Mediating Role of Business Model Innovation


  • Rabia Shabbir Faculty of Management Sciences, International Islamic University, Islamabad
  • Kausar Fiaz Khawaja Faculty of Management Sciences, International Islamic University, Islamabad
  • Maryam Adrees Faculty of Management Sciences, International Islamic University, Islamabad


The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of Organizational Learning Capabilities on Strategic Renewal: Mediating role of Business Model Innovation. Quantitative methodology used and research design was gathered by a structured questionnaire using the key informant approach as part of a survey method. Data collection from owners, managers, and senior executives of SMEs that information and communication technology organizations. Convivence sampling techniques used. As part of the survey, participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire on their own. A total of 275 samples were collected. Organizational capabilities, business model innovation, strategic renewal were the measures that were utilized in the scales. Analysis of the data using SPSS 23 and PLS-Smart was performed. Through the demonstration of organizational performance and the enhancement of productivity through the utilization of business model innovation, the findings of this study bring about a conceptual expansion of our existing knowledge. The conceptual and empirical data that supports these proposed assumptions makes a contribution to the existing body of knowledge by drawing attention to the disparities in the degree of organizational capability correlations that exist between business model innovation and strategy renewal.

Keywords: Organizational Learning capabilities: Strategic Renewal: Business Model Innovation




How to Cite

Rabia Shabbir, Kausar Fiaz Khawaja, & Maryam Adrees. (2024). Organizational Learning capabilities and Strategic Renewal: Mediating Role of Business Model Innovation. Bulletin of Management Review, 1(4), 322–342. Retrieved from