

This Archiving Policy outlines the procedures and responsibilities for preserving and managing the digital and physical archives of the "Bulletin of Management Review" (BMR). It ensures long-term access to BMR content for scholarly and historical purposes, complies with relevant legal and ethical requirements, and supports the journal's mission of disseminating high-quality research in management.


This policy applies to all published and unpublished materials related to BMR, including:

  • Manuscripts: Submitted, reviewed, and revised versions of research articles, case studies, book reviews, and other submissions.
  • Peer review reports: Evaluations by reviewers for all submissions.
  • Editorial correspondence: Communication between editors, authors, and reviewers.
  • Published articles: Final versions of articles appearing in BMR issues.
  • Journal metadata: Issue information, author affiliations, keywords, etc.
  • Supplemental materials: Data sets, appendices, multimedia files associated with published articles.
  • Marketing and promotional materials: Brochures, posters, presentations, etc.
  • Administrative records: Minutes, financial records, correspondence related to BMR operations.

Archiving Formats

  • Digital archives: All electronic materials listed above will be archived in a secure, reliable digital repository with redundant storage and regular backups. Preferred formats include PDF/A for documents, TIFF for images, and XML for structured data.
  • Physical archives: Printed issues of BMR will be maintained in a climate-controlled, secure physical archive for long-term preservation.

Archiving Responsibilities

  • Editor-in-Chief: Oversees the implementation and adherence to this policy.
  • Managing Editor: Coordinates the archiving process for all digital materials, including submission and review files, published articles, and supplemental materials.
  • IT Staff: Ensures the proper technical infrastructure and procedures are in place for digital archiving, including secure storage, backups, and data integrity checks.
  • Librarians: Maintain and manage the physical archive of printed issues, ensuring proper labeling, organization, and access control.

Access and Retention

  • Digital archives: Access to archived materials will be restricted to authorized personnel, such as editors, reviewers, and authors, for legitimate research or editorial purposes. All access will be logged and monitored.
  • Physical archives: Access to printed issues will be available to researchers and the public upon request, following established library procedures.
  • Retention period: Digital and physical archives will be retained permanently.

Review and Revision

This policy will be reviewed and updated periodically to reflect changes in technology, legal requirements, and best practices in scholarly archiving.

Additional Considerations

  • Copyright and permissions: BMR will secure necessary copyright permissions for archival purposes, including for peer review reports and unpublished materials.
  • Data privacy: Personal information contained in archived materials will be protected in accordance with relevant data privacy regulations.
  • Disaster recovery: Procedures will be established for recovering archived materials in case of natural disasters or other emergencies.