Withdrawal Policy

1. Introduction

The "Bulletin of Management Review" (BMR) is committed to maintaining a high standard of editorial integrity and providing a fair and transparent publication process for all authors. This Withdrawal Policy outlines the procedures and consequences associated with withdrawing a manuscript submitted to BMR.

2. Grounds for Withdrawal

Authors may withdraw their manuscript at any stage of the review process for a valid reason. Some acceptable reasons for withdrawal include:

  • Identification of errors or omissions: If authors discover significant errors or omissions in their manuscript after submission, they may choose to withdraw it for revision and resubmission.
  • Change in direction or scope: If the research direction or scope of the manuscript has changed significantly since submission, authors may choose to withdraw it and submit it elsewhere.
  • Duplicate submission: If the manuscript has been inadvertently submitted to multiple journals, authors should immediately withdraw it from BMR.
  • Ethical concerns: If authors become aware of any ethical concerns related to their research or manuscript, they should withdraw it immediately.
  • Personal reasons: Authors may also withdraw their manuscript for personal reasons, such as lack of time or resources to pursue publication.

3. Withdrawal Procedure

Authors wishing to withdraw their manuscript should notify the BMR editorial office in writing via email. The email should clearly state the manuscript title and author names, and the reason for withdrawal.

4. Consequences of Withdrawal

The consequences of withdrawing a manuscript will vary depending on the stage of the review process:

  • Pre-review: If the manuscript is withdrawn before the review process begins, there are no consequences.
  • During review: If the manuscript is withdrawn during the review process, reviewers may not be informed of the withdrawal. However, the editor-in-chief will be notified and may take appropriate action, such as removing the manuscript from the reviewer pool.
  • Post-review: If the manuscript is withdrawn after the review process is complete, but before a final decision has been made, the editor-in-chief will be informed and may decide whether to inform the reviewers. If the reviewers have already submitted their reports, the editor-in-chief may consider them in making a final decision on the manuscript.
  • After acceptance: If the manuscript is withdrawn after it has been accepted for publication, the editor-in-chief will be informed and will work with the author(s) to determine the best course of action. This may include delaying publication, removing the manuscript from the issue, or seeking a replacement manuscript.