The Role Of Rewards In Sustaining Teacher MotivationInPrivate Schools Of Karachi: The Moderating Impact Of TimelyAppreciation


  • Uzma Khalid PhD Scholar, Department of Business Administration, Greenwich University, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Dr. Mohammad Shaiq Professor and Dean, Faculty of Management Sciences and Information Studies, Greenwich University, Karachi, Pakistan


The study analysed how rewards impact motivational stability among Karachi private school
educators while also focusing on timely appreciation as an influence factor. Surveys wereconducted from 250 private school teachers in Karachi where findings were analysedusingregression analysis. The study helps to confirm that the increment in salary helps to enhancemotivation with timely recognition that plays an important role in it. This helps to align withtheunderstanding of objectives and the impact of increment on teachers’ motivation and answersrelated to research question. When it comes to performance-based bonuses that were showntoimprove motivation that is particularly when pairing with the timely appreciation. This helpstosupport the objective of determining the role of bonuses and answers the second researchquestion. Public recognition was found to positively influence teacher engagement with focusingon acknowledgment enhancing the impact. This aligns with the evaluation of objectives andfocusing on the role of public appreciation. The study has a focus on delaying rewards andrecognition of reducing their effectiveness addressing the objectives of examiningthemoderating the role of timely appreciation and answering the fourth research question. Thestudydelivers practical findings to guide school administrators in their work. School administratorsshould employ a reward system that combines financial pay raises and monetary bonuses withformal recognition for their staff. On-time delivery of such rewards becomes essential tosustainteacher motivation and develop a supportive educational space.

Keywords: Rewards, Teacher Motivation, Timely Appreciatio 




How to Cite

Uzma Khalid, & Dr. Mohammad Shaiq. (2025). The Role Of Rewards In Sustaining Teacher MotivationInPrivate Schools Of Karachi: The Moderating Impact Of TimelyAppreciation. Bulletin of Management Review, 2(1), 129–163. Retrieved from